This one gets all the stars ***** and then some...

Bloodline - Jordan L. Hawk

Finally I got back to the world of Whyborne and Griffin and what a trip it was. This series was fantastical!!! But book #5 Bloodline amazed me. I became so involved and totally frustrated with Whyborne at times. In a way I saw where he was coming from. His intentions were good but the path he was going down...well quite frankly he was scaring me. Thankfully he had Griffin's love to anchor him in time for him to evaluate the virtue of what he wanted against what was actually happening.


There was so much revealed about Whyborne's family history and how it was affecting the events of the present it would be almost impossible to say more without a lot of spoilers or just spoiling things so I won't. I'm simply going to say this series was an absolutely fantastic reading experience. I loved everything about it...yes, even the horror aspect. There were no nightmares or things going bump in the night for me, it was for me done just right.


I am so looking forward to the release of book #6 Hoarfrost next month. It's already on my 'books I don't own but I will one day' shelf to remind me when it's being released because when it comes to Whyborne and Griffin I don't need a reminder to buy the book, just when to buy the book.