I loved this second installment in 'The Gentlemen Brothers', but...

Sex, Emergency Exits and Plan B's - James D. Cox

...this one only gets 4.5 Steampunk stars from me because...


while I loved this second installment in 'The Gentlemen Brothers'. I "LOVED" the first book so I felt that I needed to distinguish the difference somehow and this just seemed like the easiest way.


In the first book we found out how 'The Gentlemen Brothers' got separated and what happened to Joshua as a result and were left at the point where he was reunited with his brother, Logan.


Now, in 'Sex, Emergency Exits and Plan B's' we find out what has become of Logan and how he was rescued by Lucius the leader of the rebellion who is trying to figure out where all the children have gone.


As Joshua and Logan become reacquainted and realize that they are far from being on opposite sides of events. Logan and Lucius are discovering that their attraction to each other is not one sided for either of them and that maybe having someone to love in such uncertain times isn't the worst thing that could happen to a person.


Logan is one tough cookie and he's come through a lot, I'm glad he's got Lucius because I don't think either he or his brother Joshua have been through the worst of it yet. Things may seem crazy now, but the closer that 'The Gentlemen Brothers' get to finding Alex, their still missing brother the more things from the past are coming back causing disturbing facts to be revealed.


I'm totally loving this series it literally has it all for me. Action, adventure, romance, intrigue, sexy men, awesome world building and on and on...I can't wait to see what book 3 holds for us. We know it's about Alex and Nigel and from what we've seen of Alex so far I can't imagine that there won't be tears and rage.


Luckily for me book 3, 'Broken, Collared and Ready for Revenge' is loaded on my e-reader and ready for me to to enjoy...on Saturday, with a friend for my first buddy read of the new year.