There's never such a thing as too many books in my world but...

Sometimes the number of books to choose from can muddy the waters a bit. I've had this one for awhile and have slipped it down on the TBR list more than once because something newer and shinier caught my eye. But I finally gave 'The Christmas Throwaway' it's turn and as is the case with R.J. Scott's books I'm very glad I did.
'The Christmas Throwaway' is a wonderful story about a young man who escapes the abuse of his father and through a sheer act of fate finds himself in the right place at the right time for a young and kind hearted police officer to find him and show him the kindness he has been lacking in his life.
I do have to admit there are no words to describe the fiery depths of hell to which I hope Zach's father is banished to and as much as I tried to have some compassion for his mother...nope sorry, woman you failed your son, he is your child too and you failed him and that I cannot forgive...nope, I tried and it just isn't going to happen.
Now let's talk about Ben's mom. Her, I love she is wonderful and I want to be friends with her. Overall Ben's family was awesome. Even Jamie it just took him a little longer but in the end he came through.
I love feel good stories especially at Christmastime and this was one of the best feelgoods that I have found this year. I'm so glad I finally gave in to that inner voice that tells me 'read this and read it now'.