I have no defense...it's Mary Calmes and I am an addict...

This was probably more like 2.5 stars, I rounded up because well...it's Mary Calmes and I adore her books...doesn't matter how good or not so good they might be. I love them and read them like the good little crack baby I am. Plus really it's Amy Lane's fault that I even fell into this one quite so soon I was trying to get over my 'Beneath the Stain' heartache and found this on my e-reader so there you go.
'Sultry Sunset' is a short little vignette that takes us back to Mangrove and it's residents. Specifically Hudson and Mike. Along the way we get glimpses at some of the other residents and possible future pairings but Hudson and Mike are our MCs in this brief foray. Hudson, Mike and the new 'community centre'/'rec centre'/whatever it ends up being called centre that Hudson is building/funding for the town of Mangrove. I know way...way more about that building than I do the one right here in my hometown and I have been in it several times. Also Hudson's grocery store...ok, I'll admit I hate grocery shopping so I go into our local grocery stores as little as possible although maybe if we had one as nice as Hudson's I'd enjoy grocery shopping a bit more.
All in all maybe...no definitely not the best Mary Calmes story in my collection but still it did the trick. I'm out of my funk and happily moving on to the next story...yes, Ele, I am reading 'Loving Jay' (psst, and I am loving Jay & Liam. But that's another review, right?)