Oopsie, I missed another one...

Second Chance Sam - Bren Christopher

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I started this story, but what I got was a very pleasant surprise. Second Chance Sam dealt with some very challenging issues abuse, PTSD, guilt and the dynamics of how those things can affect a long term relationship. Sounds depressing, right? While it had it's heartbreaking, gut wrenching moments at the end of it all it was a beautiful story about love, faith, commitment and trust and the power of the the human heart to overcome whatever life throws at it while fighting to keep those we love. Cory & Tristan were so sweet together and so right for each other you couldn't help but invest yourself in them and as much as I thought I wasn't going to like Sam because I thought I knew his role in their story I was thrilled to be wrong and in the end I adored him and all he did for his friends. This was my first Bren Christopher read, definitely not my last.