Dear Ms Calmes, could we have the rest of this story...please...

Ice Around the Edges - Mary Calmes

I know, more Mary Calmes but in fairness to me this is a holiday story. I really enjoyed this story with the exception of the fact that it felt more like I got plunked down in the middle of a story and really only got to read a slice of it.


'Ice Around the Edges' was approximately 30ish pages long and to me it read more like a long scene from what should have been and potentially could have been a longer story.


The scene which takes place at a hospital where Evan is recovering from a gunshot wound (no spoiler here it's in the blurb). Evan wakes up to find Dixon, a lover from his past, at his beside. What unfolds in this story are all the reasons why things ended between these two, as Dixon attempts to convince Evan that things aren't really over. between them. I would have loved for this story to start back when Evan and Dixon first met and then to carry on past where it ended and show us a bit more of what the future held for these two men.


Maybe with any luck one day Ms Calmes will remember this little gem and return to it to give us a full accounting of Evan and Dixon's relationship. I'd be on board for that one to be sure.