An unusual story about....

'How to be an Normal Person' and falling in love. Oh yeah also another AWESOMESACE Buddy Read with Supergirl otherwise knows as Christelle, Wonder Woman also referred to as Josy and our newest buddy read bestie Hawkgirl more commonly known as Simone and me occasionally recognized as Batgirl or Karen.
Of all our Buddy Reads 'How to be a Normal Person' was by far the funniest and the most touching. I'm giving this one 5 stars because that's all that I have available. There are so many wonderful reviews about this story out there and I'm not sure that I truly have anything different to say than what's already been said. 'How to be a Normal Person' is an unusual story about some pretty unusual people and about falling in love. It was at times funny and irreverent, graced with moments of tenderness and unexpected touches of heartache.
According to the blurb Gustavo Tiberius is not normal and he knows it. Casey is an asexual, stoner, hipster and this is the story of how two people who shouldn't have worked as a couple...hell, shouldn't have even wanted to be a couple did just that they became a couple. They found each other and fell in love.
There were no hot and sweaty sex scenes...even the kisses were PG-13...seriously closed mouths, no tongue, no passionate moaning and groaning...just sweet, gentle, chaste kisses and hugs...amazingly wonderful, wonderful hugs...because Casey gives the best hugs and there was Stoner Scrabble, a ferret name Harry S. Truman, the We Three Queens...3 elderly Vespa riding women, Lottie of the drag queen hair and Casey's hipster friends from California (god help the world if these 3 ever get together in real life...we're all doomed) and other unique characters too numerous to mention.
I loved Gus and Casey together. I loved how Gus tried so hard to be a better person 'a normal person' because this is what he thought Casey deserved and in the end it came down to the fact that what Gus thought Casey deserved wasn't what Casey wanted. Casey wanted Gus just as he was. He didn't want Gus to be anything more or less than what he already was Gus...just Gus as he was. For Casey he was perfect.
I could honestly go on and on about this book but really, I'd only be spoiling the fun for those of you who haven't read it...seriously, check it out, read it, get to know Gus, Casey and all their friends. This is a story that says it's ok to be you and it's ok to love how you love.