An awesome summer listening experience...

'Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts' was an adorable and sweet summer audio experience. Quinn is a gruff, tough Miami SWAT officer and he's also Spencer's sexy, nerve inducing neighbor and never the twain shall meet...until Quinn gets hurt in the line of duty and suddenly finds himself housebound and dependent on others for help and still Quinn and Spencer remain strangers...until Quinn's brother-in-law Rick leaves Quinn's pain meds with Spencer and the rest as they say is history.
Quinn and Spencer were just an adorable comedy of errors and getting past Quinn's defenses was more than a little challenging and just when he starts to thanks to Quinn's friends...or at least one in particular...that's right I'm talking about Javier...Mr. Total Jerk it's Quinn's turn to break get past barriers.
However, I did like Quinn's mother she was adorable in a smothering sort of way and then there was also Spencer's friend and neighbor, Danny who apparently likes to hand out Spence's apartment key to wounded, hunky SWAT agents...seriously why didn't I have a neighbor like that when I was single...honestly, some guys have all the luck.
I really enjoyed this one it was low steam but sweet and fun with a nice touch of heat towards the end.
Michael Stellman was the narrator for this audio book and his voices were well done. I definitely enjoyed listening to him and look forward to enjoying other audio books narrated by Mr. Stellman...as a matter of fact I see 'The High King's Golden Tongue' in my audio book future.