Well this creates a problem...

Reckless Behavior - Cari Z., L.A. Witt

you see I do try really, really hard to be honest in my reviews and I'm sure I'm hardly the first person to face this dilemma but I gave this one 5 stars and that's where my problem arises...I need more than 5 stars...seriously more than 5 on this one.


I loved the hell out of this story. I was addicted to this series from the word go and with each book my love for these books for the stories and characters contained within has only continued to grow. While there's not a lot of sexy times in this series what there is...is one hella' good relationship. It's there, it's strong and from that first book where we got to watch as Darren struggled to find a way to make his partnership with Andreas work to this one where we watch as Andreas and Darren work together as partners both on a personal and professional level to find Andreas's kids and bring them home to Darren's own heartbreaking news the strength of the relationship between these two men is so evident. 


I love the relationship that's built between these two. For all that might not be here in terms of the physical relationship between these two the emotional connection, which to me is so much harder for an author to bring out has been made and is so wonderfully real and present between these two. I love that no matter what is going on for one of them they don't lose track of what's going on with their partner and the toll that events are taking on each other emotionally. 


There's a lot going on in this one but it's well done and I didn't have a problem following events or feel like it was a jumble of chaos as could have easily been the case. A lot of this story focuses on every parent's worst nightmare. Andreas and Darren are doing dinner with Andreas's kids. Andreas is trying really hard to fix his relationship with his kids and come clean with them about things that he's kept from them as well as introduce them to the other important person in his life...Darren. Things start out a little awkward but for the most part the dinner's going well or at least it was until the evening comes to an end and suddenly two of the kids are missing and as everyone's trying to find the girls, Erin and Emily there's a threat to Andreas's sons, Ben and Casey. When the dust settles only Ben's still there...Erin, Emily and Casey have all been abducted. 


As Andreas and Darren work to find the missing children, they're surprised to realize that for whatever's happened in the past their brothers in blue are there for them and they're not alone. But even with the addition of all this unexpected support for Andreas it's Darren's presence that means the most. But when Darren gets hit by a personal tragedy of his own...choices have to be made. Choices that neither man finds easy, but Darren is determined to be there for Andreas, he knows that he can't control or change what's happened in his life and it'll all be there for him to deal with once Andreas's kids are safely back where they belong.


Having children of my own it took zero effort for me to understand how Andreas and his ex's felt. Just the thought of one of my kids being taken is terrifying and makes my blood run cold...so yes, there were tears and more than a tissue or two was sacrificed to the reading of this book but more than this what twisted my heart and still reduces me to a sad, little sobbing puddle of tears was the tragedy that blindsided Darren because truthfully it blindsided me as well because I so did not see that one coming and there went a whole lot more from the tissue box and then there was the ending and there went a few more tissues...hey, even happy tears require tissues.


There's so much more that I could say about this story because it's not a simple story and a lot of what happens in this book is connected to events of the previous two stories and truthfully I think the best thing that I could say here is if  you haven't read those first two books go back and read them before you tackle this one because it'll all make a lot more sense and be a more enjoyable story if you have all of that background filled in.


I know there's at least one more story coming in this series and it's going to be released real soon...like in less than a week soon...it's called Romantic Behavior and it's hopefully going to give Andreas and Darren the happily ever after that they so very much deserve. I'm looking forward to the next installment in this series and if it's anywhere near as good as this one I'm going to need a lot more than 5 stars to show how much I enjoyed it.



A copy of 'Reckless Behavior' was graciously provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.