Does anyone know who did Miki's tattoo?

If you've read this series and specifically this book than you know what tattoo, I'm talking about. But if you haven't I'll just share with you that Miki St. John has a tattoo and it's not pretty...actually it's a reminder of the life that he lived as a child. A life that no child should ever have and through out this series we learn about that life and the lives of those who have come to be Miki's family but it's here in the final book of Rhys Ford's 'Sinner' series that we get the answers to so many questions. Questions that have led me from story to story looking for the answers only to have one question replaced by another whenever an answer has been found.
I've loved this series heart and soul from start to finish so much so that I've read it all...more than once and when that wasn't enough I turned to the audio books for more and that my friends is what has me clicking away on my keyboard right now...I mean really how could I resist the chance to follow this last part of the journey one more time...with Tristan James once again bringing the men and women of 'Sinners' to life...the answer is 'I couldn't'. Mr. James has been the narrator for these stories from the beginning and along with the fact that he is absolutely one of my favorite narrators having the same narrator for every one of these stories has been so incredibly delightful. I couldn't imagine a better audio experience than this.
I'm going to borrow from my original review of this book at this point just to highlight how much I enjoyed this series and how absolutely delightful it is to listen to the voices that Tristan James has given to the characters in these stories and have that automatic recognition of who you're listening to because it's been the same narrator from the very beginning...
So imagine if you will hearing these quotes being not only spoken by the characters but in a voice that you effortlessly recognize because you've heard that voice in each of the previous stories and it's always been the same voice...
From Brigid as she speaks to Miki about Dude the dog...
"I'm sure the dog cares, just in his own way," she said with a laugh.
to Edie, their manager...
"Now do you understand why you need me?" She'd said to the shocked band members. "You just lost an argument with the person who is willing to go to the mat for you. Imagine how far you'll get when you go head-to-head with somebody who wants to bleed you dry?..."
to Donal...
"Then maybe what ye need to hear from me is that no matter who comes into your life, I will not let them hurt ye, and I will always be there when ye call out for your da."
and everyone in between...but ultimately there is Kane...
"...You mean more to me than my badge and the dead. I love you. And if I have to, I would give up everything I've become--everything I've accomplished--just to hold you if you need me."
if reading these words left me reaching for the tissues than have no doubts that I was sitting once again with tissues at hand as listened to them in the voices that I've come to think of as Brigid, Donal, Miki and Kane's.
And as I also said in my review for the eBook...
It's been a hella' good ride with this series and I really can't think of anything more to say other than if you haven't read it check it out because you really don't want to read this one without having read the previous books and if you've read those books then I can't imagine that you won't love this final installment in the 'Sinners' series.
Thank you, Ms. Ford for writing what has become one of my absolute favorite series...EVER!!!
and thank you Tristan James for doing it all justice!
An audio book of 'Sin and Tonic' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.