It's hockey written by V.L. Locey and read by Sean Crisden...for the win...
![Two Man Advantage (Point Shot, #1) - V.L. Locey, Sean Crisden](http://booklikes.com/photo/max/200/300/upload/books/6/4/643abf47ca10a79b3d357e8380247ef4.jpg)
at least it was a win for me...for the Cougars, the minor league team that Victor Kalinski, all-star forward or more accurately...former all-star forward of the Boston Barracudas finds himself shipped back to...maybe, not so much.
Before I say much about the story I'm going to chatter a bit about Victor Kalinski because man when it comes to how I felt about him...well, it's complicate. I want to say I couldn't stand him. and in some ways for the most part I couldn't. He's brash, rude, arrogant, self-centered and just generally full of himself beyond belief and if that was all there was to him I'd be golden when it comes to disliking him but it's not. Victor is also insecure and while he tries to keep it hidden he's got definite self esteem issues. Not where his hockey skills are concerned but when it comes to thinking he's worthy of friendship and love, of being treated decently yeah, he's totally lacking in self-esteem. He's got the mother from hell and as for his father well, I don't think there's a definitive answer to that question. Victor's childhood memories aren't the kind that any child should ever have and he hides it all behind a wall of anger, aggression and in general some really jerktastic behavior.
The Cougars alternate captain Daniel Arou sees in Victor what others have missed and he may be little but he's fearless and determined to break down Victor's barriers and he might also be Canadian. While Victor's a love/hate relationship for me. I loved Daniel from the word go and no it wasn't because he's Canadian...although this did get him bonus points. In the hockey world Daniel may be little but he's also fierce. He not only saw through Victor's BS, he called him on it and in the battle for Victor's heart Daniel gave no quarter.
But when Daniel's chance comes and he gets called up to the majors...by not just any team, no it's the Boston Barracudas who want him and it's Victor who steps up and insist that he go even if it means the end of them.
I have to admit at the beginning of this I was more than a little put off by Victor's character but as the story progressed and we got to see more of what made Victor into Victor as well as Daniel's determination to break down his barriers I was more than a little eager to see them make it as a couple.
Sean Crisden was the narrator for the first story in the "Point Shot" series and at 2 hour and 59 minutes 'Two Man Advantage' is an enjoyable way to pass the afternoon. I've enjoyed more than a few audio books narrated by Mr. Crisden...a quick count says it's 35+ so I'd say that when it comes to narrators that I enjoy this is definitely one of them and of all the characters that I've enjoyed hearing his interpretation of I have to say that this is for me one of his best. I truly feel that had i been reading the book or had someone else been providing the narration I don't think that Victor's personality would have come through as strongly as it did.
I'll definitely be wanting the rest of Victor and Daniel's story...on audio would be good but if not I know I've got the books tucked away on my TBR shelf.
An audio book of 'Two Man Advantage' was graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.