Home is where the heart is...
Home Sweet Home is a short story set in Missouri Dalton's world of 'The Night Wars'. Kis is running and ends up running into Julius a friend from his past and not just any friend, his best friend who steps up to the plate without hesitation to help him escape his abusive ex who is hot on his heels. It's hard to outrun an ex who also happens to be a vampire. Luckily for Kis more than Julius has stepped out of his past to help him out. His Uncle Tobias has been looking for him as well.
Home Sweet Home is short story which offers an introduction to some new and a visit from some familiar characters in the Night Wars series and I would truly enjoy reading more about Kis and Julius and where things will go for them from here. Also more Tobias and Caspian is always a welcome thing.
I thoroughly enjoyed this series and hope that Ms Dalton has much more to share with us in this fascinating world she has created.