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Moon and Stars (Clouds and Rain) - Zahra Owens

Wow! What a fantastic read. This book had it all. This is the fourth book in Zahra Owens series Clouds and Rain and I loved it. Kelly & Cooper met in law school and for a year they shared a passion for each other that never died even though Cooper walked away thnking it was the right thing to do. Finally they are reunited because of Nina, Kelly's wife and this is a whole other part of the story.


There's a lot going on in this book but the story was so well put together and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Parts of it were absolutely heartbreaking and yes, I shed a few tears along the way. The ending was good it was sweet, not really perfect but right for this story and believable. 


I've enjoyed all the books in this series and sincerely hope this is not the end of the line for Clouds and Rain. The characters are wonderful and each book is like taking a visit to some place familiar and loved.