I'm not sure what to do here...

Here for You - Skylar M. Cates

So I finished this book at somewhere around 2 a.m. because my brain refused to let me put the book down and got to sleep like a sane normal person would have done and I've now spent the day waltzing around, over under, beside, behind and anywhere else that I could think of but not in front of this review because...well, honestly...I didn't know what to write and I still don't.


I can tell you there are some really awesome reviews over on GR that will do a better job of this than I could ever hope to there's Dani's review  https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1180966309?book_show_action=false&page=1


or there's my friend Ele's review, be warned it's her fault I ended up reading this now instead of going back to Whyborne & Griffin as I had planned, bad, bad, Ele ;-)



I don't really think I can improve on anything that either of these lovely ladies did. So I'm not going to try. I'm just going to say I loved this book and all the people in it. Cole and Ian are beautiful, Cole's housemates are a wealth of story opportunity that I sincerely hope the author plans on exploring.


This story is not any easy one to read, it's not all sunshine and rainbows but it's beautiful, it's real from start to finish it's a story that could have been and just like life it's not all tied up with a pretty bow but at the same time there is a sense of completeness it.


'Here for You' is definitely a must add to the reading list of anyone who wants a story that  will leave you sighing with satisfaction for having read it.